We kicked off the celebrations with the delivery of her new bicycle before we left town. This is a four-year-old rite of passage at our house. She's not nearly as confident on it as the boys were at four...probably because she rarely even peddles her tricycle long before she asks to ride in the stroller. But she did LOVE the idea of the basket on the front for her babies and she L-O-V-E-D the bell. And of course loved that it was pink.
Next we celebrated with grandparents as well as Aunts & Uncles in Tennessee. She had cupcakes at the park and lots of fun playtime with some of her favorite people.
Then when she got home, she got to have more fun with more favorite people- family at Grammy's house. Another great celebration.
She got princesses, babydoll clothes, sparkly pink shoes and cake. She was one happy four-year-old princess. And I was so thankful that those who love her worked so hard to make her feel special. THANK YOU!
Sweet princess girl-
I feel quite certain that the Lord looked at our family, knew we would need some sparkly pizazz, and promptly sent you to us. He knew you'd be so full of girly life that we would only need one princess in our family. And He knew how much joy you would bring. I couldn't be more thrilled that you are part of our team.
You are one-of-a-kind in so many ways. But especially in your confidence. I just wish there was a way I could bottle up some of your self-confidence now and hand it back to you in about 10 years. You absolutely believe that you can do anything you set your mind to. You come down the stairs after getting dressed in even the most ridiculous of ensembles fulling believing you look like a million bucks. You bounce into a room just KNOWING that everyone there will be delighted to see you. And you sit down next to me, cross your legs, and ask "what would you like to talk about?" like we are grown women meeting for coffee. I love it!
I've often commented that while your brothers would help me with just about anything I asked them to, you are the only one perceptive enough to realize when I need help before I ask it. You love to set the table, rinse dishes after we eat, help me with baby C and remind your bigger brothers of the rules. This is just one of what appears to be many differences between the boys and you, the only girl, in our family. Another way you "notice" is that you always tell me that I'm beautiful and sweet. "Momma you are the sweetest Momma" is one of your favorite phrases. That and "I like your shirt/hair/shoes/earings (or whatever else you happen to notice)" In that way you SHARE some of the confidence which you seem to have in such great supply.
One other thing I love about you right now is your flare for the dramatic. This sometimes comes out in very positve ways like "This is the best (fill in the blank) IN THE WHOLE WIDE WUHLD". But sometimes it also presents itself as what we affectionatly refer to as "Lou ailments". Things that hurt or ache or are frustrating are absolutely the end of the "whole wide wuhld". And OH WOW when you see a dog coming. I'm pretty sure our neighbors in ALASKA can hear you scream. Oh you make us laugh.
But while most of the times these characteristics are quite endearing. Sometimes. Well, sometimes they aren't. Mostly because I just want you to know its ok to just be FOUR. I pray so often that I'll be able to mold and shape this confidence and perceptiveness and maturity you have in a way that doesn't squash it but just directs it. Honestly, I'm at a loss most of the time as to how to do that. Thank you so much that you don't seem to notice this huge gap in my parenting. Thank you for teaching me that on my worst days you think I'm "the sweetest" and thank you for teaching me to seek the Lord in parenting in so many new ways. Really, thank you.
And this year that is my prayer for you. That our relationship as the two girls (or "guhls") of the house will continue to florish in a way that teaches us both. That teaches us about being female, that teaches us about confidence, that teaches us about having an zeal for life that is disporportionate to our true circumstance. And mostly, that our relationship will continue to grow in a way that brings glory to the one who made us each, down to the tiniest detail, and placed us in this family together. To learn. To grow. To love.
I absolutely love you. More than the stars.
And more than anything in the whole wide world.
You are my very favorite princess!
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